Get Out Of The House

Get Out Of The House





This is very close to the other seascapes I have done but still something a little different. I thought I would try shooting 3 different compositions and here are the results.

For the top image, it was my first shot and I managed to get the exposure right on the first attempt.

Get Out of the House 1

This is actually two shots layered, one for the sky and one for the foreground. I had actually guessed my exposure which worked out well for the foreground but not for the sky so I decided to shoot another frame exposing for the highlights.

Get Out of the House 3

This third image is just a black and white with a composition focusing more on the foreground instead of the background like the other shots.

One of the reasons I decided to go shoot seascapes is I want to invest in some Lee filters although being that they are quite pricey, I wanted to shoot once more with my circular B+W 10 stop to decide if I really do want them. I had so much fun getting out and shooting these which has made me realize, as much as I want to get better at still life I need to get back to what I originally loved which is landscapes (and general outdoor work).

When it comes to circular vs square filters, my main reason for choosing square is convenience. When trying to re-meter your exposure, it is so much more quicker and simple using square filters. Another benefit is you also can stack multiple filters with a square setup. I will wait a few weeks and hope the dollar improves before I order them, although getting the Lee filter kit is a must for me now.

In the coming weeks I will be remodeling the site so it may be down from time to time so I apologize in advance, it will be worth it once everything is updated though.

NEWS – In the coming weeks I will be remodeling the site so it may be down from time to time so I apologize in advance, it will be worth it once everything is updated though.

Photos By Dlee

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