Chi Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden

Chi Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden




Chi Lin Nunnery 4

Model House

Saying Thanks


Tea House

Dragon Hill



Here’s some images from the Chi Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden in Hong Kong. This wasn’t on our initial list of places to visit but when looking on tourism sites, this place looked real interesting. I had a lot of fun here and was one of my favorite places that I’ve visited in Hong Kong.

A funny store I have from here is the building in image 6 is a tea house. When my girlfriend seen it, she thought it would be nice to go have tea there so we could rest, take photos and talk. When we got to the entrance, the girl greeted us and explained the rules to us. One of those rules was no photos which was also our reason for going in there. I thought my girlfriend would say thanks and we would walk off but instead she replied “ok”, and we ended up going in. We had to get one pot each and the tea cost $30 a pot so it wasn’t cheap. We spent 1.5 hours there trying to drink our tea as fast as we could while trying not to laugh too much at what we got ourselves into.

Photos By Dlee

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