Together 2019

Together 2019




A few weeks ago we went out one Sydney to take some couple portraits. When I first got into photography, I used to do portraits of us every single week. As we got older we got busier and just didn’t have the time to go out and short all the time.

The portrait below is one I took in 2012 which feels like a life time ago. This was when I first started photography and I took it with my Canon 550D and Canon 50mm f/1.8. I remember at the time I was really happy with this image but looking back it’s a bit embarrassing quality wise.

Forever 2

Then a few years later I had more knowledge as well as the Sigma 50mm f/1.4 EX DG lens so decided to redo the shot which can be seen below. This was taken in 2014 and I remember for a long time I would always use it as my avatar on websites.

Together [Self Portrait]

I actually really miss the Sigma 50mm EX lens. I think if I seen a cheap copy of it for sale I would be willing to pick it up and try use it on my Sony A7iii.

Now in present day, we live in Sydney so recreating the shot won’t be possible for quite some time. The shot below is us here in Sydney in a spot I quite like. Sadly the amount of lights creating specular highlights isn’t as good as the spot in Perth. One day I will try recreating this shot again from Milsons Point.

I have many exams due over the next week so I can’t wait to get back out and shooting once they’re done!

Photos By Dlee

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