My Fujifilm XF 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR Has Arrived!

Two days ago, I finally sold my Fujifilm XF 23mm f/1.4 R LM WR and got the XF 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR as its replacement. Although I liked the 23mm, it has an equivalent of 35mm so I didn’t want to double up with my full frame gear.

I haven’t got to use the lens much due to rainy weather and work, but I did take the two following images with it so far.

So far I really like the lens and it’s hard to say without shooting side by side but it does appear to be sharper than the 23mm. I’ll need some time to get used to the focal length but I plan to take it out with me this weekend so it will get plenty of use.

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I want to keep it short so that’s it for this post and I’ll be back again soon with some more images. If you’d like to be notified of future posts, please subscribe using the form above.

Photos By Dlee

2 responses to “My Fujifilm XF 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR Has Arrived!”

  1. Joey Avatar

    Very sharp with nice bokeh! Cannot keep up with your gear list. 😅 Might be creating “My Gear” page or listing in the footer?

    1. Daniel Lee Avatar
      Daniel Lee

      Thanks and it’s surprising how sharp it is, even for SOOC JPEG’s! The page might be a nice idea, I can even have photos of them all too so thanks for the suggestion 😁

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