I’m trying to get back into posting here more so this is one step towards that.
I actually have quite a few images I need to post but as it’s part of an unreleased project of sorts, I need at least a few more weeks before it’s ready to share. Until then, you’ll see some posts here and there from me as I’ve got a few new items I want to show off with this game being one.
The PlayStation 5 is something I was really excited to get when it released but admittedly, I haven’t used it that much. Console games have become really expensive here (Usually $100 AUD+) so I’ve found myself mainly getting games on PC. I also really enjoy spending time on the couch so because of this, I wanted something to play on console and decided to get Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Now to focus more on the photo. This was taken with my Sony Alpha a7C II and Sigma 35GM, in fact every image you see from here on will likely be with the CII only since I’m actually selling off my a7IV.

I don’t like to hold onto gear I’m not using and each time I reach for a camera, it’s always the a7C II. The IV is a great camera but performance wise, the CII is definitely superior. It’s served me well and I know the a7V will be out likely end of next year (based on release patterns) so I would be selling it sooner than later anyways. For now I plan to just use the one body, but as you all likely know gear plans always change for me…
I’ll keep this one short and end it here, enjoy your week ahead and I hope to be back posting more frequently soon.
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