Focusing on the Colors

Focusing on the Colors





In the last few weeks we had end of financial year sales so of course I had my eye out of something I may like.

When it came to my lineup there was still that awkward gap between 35mm and 85mm in my kit so naturally I was leaning more towards a 50mm. I wanted something small, sharp and as fast as I could get but also cheap. The 50GM f/1.4 was on sale for a REALLY good price ($1350) AUD and I knew it would be an amazing, lens, but didn’t solve my issue of being small and portable.

I was considering getting the Sony FE 50mm f/2.5 G although for the price it is a bit slow for my liking, the Sigma 50mm f/2 was also a lens I wish I kept longer and was considering buying but in the end I didn’t go ahead with it. The lens I settled on was the Sony FE 55mm f/1.8 which is not a new lens but is small, super sharp, great rendering and had a really good price too.

Below are images I have taken with this lens using the Sony Alpha a7C II.

If my photos look a bit different that may be because I’m trying to do something a bit new with my editing.

The majority of my post processing is related to color work. I’ve tried making presets before but I never found them to work, even as a starting point as I find every single image needs its own touch. What I’m trying now is to more focus on the colors and go from there. I’ll continue to experiment and hopefully this works.

Breadtop Lusting Chocolate
Breadtop Lusting Chocolate Slice

The above two photos were taking with my Sigma 85mm f/1.4 DN Art and I didn’t use my new editing style for these. I am addicted to dessert and cakes are one of my favorites so I’m sure I’ll have more subjects to test it out on.

Thanks for reading and I’ll hopefully be back again soon with more images.

Photos By Dlee

2 responses to “Focusing on the Colors”

  1. Joey Avatar

    Nice and sharp photos! So, Sony has 50mm f/1.4, f/2.5, and also 55mm f/1.8? So many to choose from!

    1. Daniel Lee Avatar
      Daniel Lee

      Thanks Joey! They actually have two f/1.4’s (one is a new GM lens, one is an older Zeiss design), they also have a f/1.2 GM lens, a budget 50mm f/1.8 AND that 55mm and the f/2.5 I mentioned so plenty of options 😂

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