Tag: Food Porn
Spaghetti Bolognese
This some Spaghetti Bolognese from a restaurant called Delisio Pizza Romana which is sadly closing its Enex 100 branch. Read more
Ribs & Burgers Bacon & Cheese Burger
This is bacon and cheese burger from Ribs & Burgers in Perth. I was surprised at how filling it was, since I ordered a regular chips with it too! Read more
Starbucks Chocolate Drink
In Perth, we don’t have Starbucks. We only got Krispy Kremes two years ago and don’t even have Häagen-Dazs Icecream. I know I often see “hipster” and Starbucks but for me, this is a luxury I only get when I travel. On that same note, I can even remember exactly what drink this was. From… Read more
All Time Favorite Steak
This is a 400gm (14oz) USDA Rib Eye Steak from BLT Steak in Hong Kong. I really love steaks and this is possibly the best steak I have ever had. The view was really nice (which can be seen in the second shot) and when stepping outside, I had was able to capture the image of… Read more
Candy Shake
This is a dessert from a great place in Hong Kong called “Candy Shake”. To my girlfriends embarrassment, I would visit this place at least once a day (sometimes twice). The dessert tasted really good and it was fairly cheap as well (HK $24 if I remember correctly). I’m pretty sure the staff got sick… Read more
Teriyaki Chicken
This is Teriyaki Chicken from an amazing restaurant called JBento in Mount Pleasant. If you are in Perth I highly recommend you go visit this place! Read more
Seventh Heaven
While in KL my dessert of choice was Haagen-Daz which sadly isn’t available in Perth. This was one of their specials called ‘Seventh Heaven’ which had 7 scoops. I’ve been back in Perth a week now so looking at this image makes me wish I could eat it again! Read more
Week 19 – World Class Chocolate
My girlfriend and I won a years free ice cream a few months back thanks to Baskin Robbins. We get a free medium sized tub each week, although it usually only lasts a few days… World Class Chocolate is a really great flavor but not my favorite, that would be reserved for Love Potion #31. Since… Read more