Tag: Food Porn

  • Spaghetti Bolognese

    Spaghetti Bolognese

    This some Spaghetti Bolognese from a restaurant called Delisio Pizza Romana which is sadly closing its Enex 100 branch. Read more

  • Ribs & Burgers Bacon & Cheese Burger

    Ribs & Burgers Bacon & Cheese Burger

    This is bacon and cheese burger from Ribs & Burgers in Perth. I was surprised at how filling it was, since I ordered a regular chips with it too!  Read more

  • Starbucks Chocolate Drink

    Starbucks Chocolate Drink

    In Perth, we don’t have Starbucks. We only got Krispy Kremes two years ago and don’t even have Häagen-Dazs Icecream. I know I often see “hipster” and Starbucks but for me, this is a luxury I only get when I travel. On that same note, I can even remember exactly what drink this was. From… Read more

  • All Time Favorite Steak

    All Time Favorite Steak

    This is a 400gm (14oz) USDA Rib Eye Steak from BLT Steak in Hong Kong. I really love steaks and this is possibly the best steak I have ever had. The view was really nice (which can be seen in the second shot) and when stepping outside, I had was able to capture the image of… Read more

  • Candy Shake

    Candy Shake
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    This is a dessert from a great place in Hong Kong called “Candy Shake”. To my girlfriends embarrassment, I would visit this place at least once a day (sometimes twice). The dessert tasted really good and it was fairly cheap as well (HK $24 if I remember correctly). I’m pretty sure the staff got sick… Read more

  • Teriyaki Chicken

    Teriyaki Chicken

    This is Teriyaki Chicken from an amazing restaurant called JBento in Mount Pleasant. If you are in Perth I highly recommend you go visit this place! Read more

  • Seventh Heaven

    Seventh Heaven
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    While in KL my dessert of choice was Haagen-Daz which sadly isn’t available in Perth. This was one of their specials called ‘Seventh Heaven’ which had 7 scoops. I’ve been back in Perth a week now so looking at this image makes me wish I could eat it again! Read more

  • Week 19 – World Class Chocolate

    Week 19 – World Class Chocolate
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    My girlfriend and I won a years free ice cream a few months back thanks to Baskin Robbins. We get a free medium sized tub each week, although it usually only lasts a few days… World Class Chocolate is a really great flavor but not my favorite, that would be reserved for Love Potion #31. Since… Read more