Tag: Hands

  • 25


    I’m so old now that being able to turn 25 again would be a dream come true… Read more

  • Obsessed Again

    Obsessed Again

    I spent several months at the end of last year not playing games at all which is rare for me. I seen Watch Dogs and Pokémon Sun and Moon get released, yet I wasn’t excited. Then in January my girlfriend went away for her holiday and everything changed, all thanks to her tv. She has… Read more

  • Adapted


    Being that the Canon 35mm f/2 IS is my favorite lens, I’m sure it will end up on my M5 quite a bit. Read more

  • Baking Time

    Baking Time

    Last week we spontaneously decided to bake a cake so here are some photos from it. It was just a plain and simple yogurt cake but tasted really good! That’s me in the second photo when we were mixing the cake which I don’t think we did a very good job. Although the cake looks… Read more

  • Week 26 – Hold My Hand

    Week 26 – Hold My Hand
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    Another week has passed and I’m officially half way through the 52 week project. Website | Flickr | 500px | Instagram Read more