Tag: Jetty

  • Searching


    This is a silhouette portrait of myself I took the other night when out shooting with a friend. I actually didn’t plan this as a silhouette but when I tried it as one, it seemed to suit it well. While I do love the 100L and it is a great all rounder, my heart still… Read more

  • Week 22 – Favorite Weather

    Week 22 – Favorite Weather

    It has been a quiet week for me photography wise. My time is still being dedicated to The Witcher 3 among other things. My time limit was almost up for my week 22 submission so I went out this morning to capture this. Read more

  • Week 20 – Stormy Weekend

    Week 20 – Stormy Weekend
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    The weather has been amazing on the weekend that has just passed. I personally love the cold and rain so I made sure to go out and make the most of the weather. This location has some sentimental value for me. I previously took an image here which ended up helping myself to win my… Read more