Push Forward

Push Forward





Running Towards Success


Here is the second part to my portrait shoot from the weekend. These are all taken outside my friends house using natural light only. They council were doing some bush fire burning so the sky was filled with a heavy smoke cloud. Surprisingly it gave the light a very warm feel to it which helped make these stand out even more.

Being that my friend was posing on the road, I had to as well. We had to wait for no cars then I would lay down flat on my stomach just to get the first three images from the right perspective. It may also be worth mentioning that the final image is actually a 74 megapixel panorama (well the original is at least, this is a 4mp web optimized copy). It was taken using a method known as the Brenizer Method. This was my first time using this technique and it certainly won’t be my last.

I hope everyone has enjoyed these portraits, for the coming well I’ll going back to my origami, still life and maybe some long exposures too.

Photos By Dlee

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