Unproductive Times

Unproductive Times




Welcome to the first update for May 2020.

To say it’s been an unproductive time would be an understatement. As you can probably tell by the amount of photos in this post, I haven’t been shooting much. The image below I took on evening when I went to get some takeaway for dinner.

Although we usually try and eat at home as much as we can to save money, it’s good to eat out and support businesses during these tough times. I took the above image with the Canon M5 and 32mm f/1.4 as it’s something small and light I usually carry.

The below image is also taken with the Canon M5 and the 22mm f/2 which I took on a walk home from work. There is nothing special about the image but the lighting was quite nice.

Although I do love my still life photography, I really want to go outdoors to shoot again. There’s a guide I was hoping to do on cityscape locations in Sydney but with our current lock down, I’m not able to go to my remaining spots to take pics.

The Game Changer

So as I previously mentioned the tablet has arrived. I actually edited both the image above and this product shot below using the Wacom Intuos S. In my most recent podcast episode I discuss some first impressions.

In the small amount I’ve used it I find using the tablet to control the brush to be so much more accurate and easy to use.

I still find myself a bit slow to edit with it and doesn’t feel as natural moving around the screen for normal use. This will obviously change over time as I get more used to it. Now all that is left is to actually take some photos so I have something to edit…

Hopefully in the next fortnight I’ll have more photos to share. With an assignment due this weekend I think it will be next week onward I can get back to shooting.

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Photos By Dlee

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