Category: Urban

  • Revisiting Locations

    Revisiting Locations

    I’m back with another quick post, I know I can’t keep this up but I’m having fun shooting so hopefully more to come soon. Earlier this week I had decided I was going to make sure I go out to shoot a cityscape one afternoon. I was going to go to Circular Quay but with… Read more

  • Keeping it Casual and Chinese New Year

    Keeping it Casual and Chinese New Year
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    It’s been some time since my last post and although I don’t have a huge amount of images, I thought it would still be worth doing an update. There’s nothing too groundbreaking in here but just some casual shots as I’ve taken while going about my usual routines. Making Use of a UWA Ultra Wide… Read more

  • An Early Start to the Day

    An Early Start to the Day

    Photography-wise, it’s been a slow start to the year, but I finally changed that. I have a bit of free time at the moment, so I wanted to go out shooting. If you read my blog a lot, you’ll know I don’t like staying out late, so the only option for me was to shoot… Read more

  • Adventures in Kyoto, Uji and Nara

    Adventures in Kyoto, Uji and Nara
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    After much delay I’m finally done with editing the images from my time in Kyoto. Now despite having 52 images to post there was obviously a lot more, but I tried to narrow it down to what I would consider the better images. My impressions of the 3 places would come down to this. Kyoto… Read more

  • Revisiting Manns Point [17/52]

    Revisiting Manns Point [17/52]

    For this weeks entry I decided to give another try for a location I had previously been. The first time I went there I was using my Canon EOS R6 and RF 85mm f/2 IS so in terms of composition, there wasn’t much room for variation. This time I now own the Tamron 70-180mm f/2.8… Read more

  • Himeji Castle [11/52]

    Himeji Castle [11/52]

    One of the locations we visited while in Japan was Himeji which is the second largest city of the Hyogo Prefecture. The main reason we visited here is because it’s very close to Kobe and my sister in law both lives and works here. I’m usually into big cities only but it was quite nice… Read more

  • Luna Park [8/52]

    Luna Park [8/52]

    I was cutting it close this week but I made it in time! A have a friend visiting from another state so we went out on Friday evening to try do some cityscapes. I consider Kirribilli to be one of the best views of Sydney, depending on what you’re doing down there. It can be… Read more

  • My Top 5 Images of 2022

    My Top 5 Images of 2022

    Just like last year I’ve decided to show what I consider my top 5 images of 2022. I would say looking back on the last 12 months I’m not actually that happy with my photography this year. Although I did get some images I quite liked, I feel the majority aren’t anything that special. In… Read more

  • When The Sun Stays Up, I Stay Inside

    When The Sun Stays Up, I Stay Inside

    First off sorry for the long time since my last blog post. I’ve been shooting as you’ll see from the number of images, just not to the same volume as I had been in previous weeks. I also got a bit behind on my editing as I had been doing some upgrades on my PC… Read more

  • Something Wide

    Something Wide

    This fortnight was exciting as I got two new lenses, the Sony FE PZ 16-35mm f/4 G and the Fujifilm XF 27mm F2.8 R WR. Now the interesting part is at the time of writing, I only own one of these lenses now. This was one of the instances of if renting was a viable… Read more