When The Sun Stays Up, I Stay Inside

When The Sun Stays Up, I Stay Inside





First off sorry for the long time since my last blog post. I’ve been shooting as you’ll see from the number of images, just not to the same volume as I had been in previous weeks.

I also got a bit behind on my editing as I had been doing some upgrades on my PC and my focus had been on that. Regardless, on with the post!

New Shoes

I don’t consider myself to be a sneaker collector, but I guess with myself currently owning 10 different pairs an argument could be made I do have somewhat of an interest in them.

I had to throw out several pairs in the last few months that were just too old. Because of that I bought the two below as replacements.

Nike Air Max 2017
Nike Air Max Command

These are taken using pure natural light in my living room with the Sony A7 IV and 35GM which was great for these types of shots. In the latest episode of my podcast (below) I do mention how much I love this set up and how conflicted I am when it comes to what to bring with me when I travel.

I’ve always typically had a lens that covers the 35mm focal length with me, but I do find a zoom more versatile when travelling. My FE 16-35mm obviously covers 35mm but it also doesn’t go to f/1.4 so it’s a touch choice I’ll need to make when it comes time to travel.

My Usual Stomping Grounds

I’m certainly a creature of habit and doesn’t exclude places I like to visit.

I havent been out with the camera a great deal but I do try to take it with me when I can. The first two images were taken with the Fujifilm X-S10 and XF 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR which is my go to most of the time for casual stuff.

Both the sharpness and colors are still impressing me and still no plans to get any other Fuji lenses. The first two images below were taken with this combo.

Friendship Gardens Tree
Chinatown Neon Lights Display
Novotel Sydney

The third image (directly above) was taken with the Sony A7IV and 35GM. I’ve always wanted a shot of this building but never found the right composition.

On this day the lighting wasn’t too harsh for the time (2pm) and as you can see the sky was beautiful. I was waiting for someone and had my camera with me so I figured I’d make the most of my time.

First Time at Dover Heights

There is a location in Sydney’s eastern suburbs that I had surprisingly never been to.

I had been to Watson’s Bay which is nearby but not this location specifically. It’s quite special as it’s high up compared to the rest of Sydney you get really nice views from here.

Below is a collection of images I took while there with the first four being with the X-S10 and 33mm and the final image being with the Sony A7IV and 85mm Art.

The less exciting side of Dudley Page Reserve
Housing near Dudley Page Reserve
My Sony Alpha A7IV
Sydney with the lights on

This location is easily one of my favorites I’ve been to. If you have a 100-400mm you could get some really interesting compositions and it’s perfect for sunset shoots since it faces west. I did have issues doing long exposures though as it was VERY windy.

This definitely won’t be my last time visiting this location though and I plan to go on another day when the weather is a bit calmer.

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Photos By Dlee

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