Category: Long Exposure
Mrs Macquaries Point
Have you ever been to a location to try something new, then leave feeling like the shots didn’t work out? That’s how I felt after taking the above image. I wanted to try a HDR panorama in Lightroom which is a feature I’ve never tried. Above you’ll see the original merged image before cropping. It… Read more
Vivid 2018
I am happy to say I finished my exams today and can finally get back to uploading. I will make sure to have my Sony A7III impressions out in the next week. In the mean time, here’s a few shots from Vivid Sydney! Read more
Darling Sunset
Here is another sunset long exposure from Darling Harbour. While down there, I tried using S&Q mode on my A7III to do a timelapse of sorts. I used the 1fps video mode to create this short video below. It turned out okay but the quality would be much better shooting the timelapse a more traditional… Read more
It’s been a little over one week since I got back from Singapore now and I surprisingly miss it. This shot was taken on my first day there and it was when I met up with Joey of I was trying to do some very long exposures and accidently underexposed this so it took… Read more
Despite owning the M5 for over a year, I realized I had never used it to do any long exposures. This intersection is only a 5 minute walk from my house so I decided to head here on evening. For some reason, the image looks very different here on WordPress compared to Tumblr and Flickr… Read more
Merlion City
Singapore is a location I’ve wanted to visit for many years now. Last week I was luckily enough to finally put that plan into fruition. I would say I really enjoyed my trip except for one aspect, the humidity. Although Sydney isn’t the coldest place in Australia, I do prefer my cold winter days over… Read more
Storm Over Bradleys Head
Last weekend the weather appeared to be good so I decided to rent a car and drive to Bradleys Head to do a long exposure. Although I’m happy with the image I got, I did have some challenges. Read more
Rookie Mistake
The title for this post may seem a bit strange. Although once you read through what lead me to capturing this image then it will make perfect sense. Read more
Long Exposures with the Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS
Despite loving my Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L and owning it for many years, I finally made the upgrade to the Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS. This lens had been on my wish list for quite some time now and after managing to sell my 17-40, I finally purchased it. I’m really loving this lens… Read more