Tag: Prime Lens

  • Focusing on the Colors

    Focusing on the Colors

    In the last few weeks we had end of financial year sales so of course I had my eye out of something I may like. When it came to my lineup there was still that awkward gap between 35mm and 85mm in my kit so naturally I was leaning more towards a 50mm. I wanted… Read more

  • Celebrating Two Years of Marriage

    Celebrating Two Years of Marriage

    This week marked two years since I legally married my wife. The reason I say legally is because we had the legal signing this week then two years ago then the following month had the actual ceremony in Bali. Although we tend to celebrate on the weekends since we work during the week, I got… Read more

  • My Next Task at Hand

    My Next Task at Hand

    I’m trying to get back into posting here more so this is one step towards that. I actually have quite a few images I need to post but as it’s part of an unreleased project of sorts, I need at least a few more weeks before it’s ready to share. Until then, you’ll see some… Read more

  • The Sony Alpha a7C II Has Arrived!

    The Sony Alpha a7C II Has Arrived!

    Last week I purchased the Sony Alpha a7C II! We had a really good sale which was essentially 20% off the price so it was too good to resist. If my cashback requests goes through too then I’ll be getting the camera for even cheaper as well. I’ll share some impressions of it so far… Read more

  • I Got the Apple iPhone 15 Plus!

    I Got the Apple iPhone 15 Plus!
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    After 4 years of owning an Apple iPhone XS Max, I finally upgraded. Like anything I thought I’d share some images of the new phone which I took with the Sigma 105mm f/2.8 DN Art. This is now my go to product photography lens and it’s continuing to impress me. Below are the actual images… Read more

  • My New Macro [25/52]

    My New Macro [25/52]

    For this week’s entry there’s something a bit more exciting, I got a new lens! The lens in question is the Sigma 105mm f/2.8 DN Macro. When I swapped back to Sony, this was one of the lenses on my list to buy but I wasn’t convinced I needed one. In recent times, I got… Read more

  • Racing Against Time [18/52]

    Racing Against Time [18/52]

    For this week’s 52 Week project entry I sort of had to find something last minute to do. I’ve had a bit of a busy week and my mind wasn’t really on photography so I didn’t have much planned photo wise. There are a few images I want to take and each week I tell… Read more

  • Daily Dose [15/52]

    Daily Dose [15/52]

    For this week’s entry I thought I’d take a shot I’ve wanted to for quite some time now. One focus for me now that I’m older is my health and fitness. In my 20’s I’d always exercise frequently only to stop after a few weeks to a month. I’d always repeat this cycle and never… Read more

  • Always Feeling Full

    Always Feeling Full

    I’ve been busy working on editing my Japan photos (first part is nearly done) so I thought I’d post something in the meantime. I’ve felt like ever since I got back from Japan I’ve been in a real photography mood and wanted to shoot as much as I can. As you can see at the… Read more

  • My Fujifilm XF 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR Has Arrived!

    My Fujifilm XF 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR Has Arrived!
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    Two days ago, I finally sold my Fujifilm XF 23mm f/1.4 R LM WR and got the XF 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR as its replacement. Although I liked the 23mm, it has an equivalent of 35mm so I didn’t want to double up with my full frame gear. I haven’t got to use the… Read more