My Top 5 Images of 2022

My Top 5 Images of 2022





Just like last year I’ve decided to show what I consider my top 5 images of 2022.

I would say looking back on the last 12 months I’m not actually that happy with my photography this year. Although I did get some images I quite liked, I feel the majority aren’t anything that special.

In 2022 photography definitely wasn’t my priority. I definitely had my periods when I was shooting more times than others which is quite common for me, although I always wish to be more consistent with how much I’m using my camera.

Enough of the reflection and rants and onto the images.

Canon EOS R6 + RF 50mm f/1.8 STM @ f/5.6, ISO 200 & 1/13th Sec

Quay Street

One thing I enjoy is street and urban photography which is where this shot comes in. I was on my way home around sunset and as you can see the lighting was quite nice. On this particular street you have a mix of older and newer buildings which can make an interesting sight.

The 50mm focal length really grew on me in recent years so although I could have used something like 35mm for this, the look of this was just what I wanted.

Canon EOS R6 + RF 85mm f/2 IS STM @ f/2.8, ISO 100 & 1/00th Sec

Hi Fuji

Fujifilm cameras were always something I had been curious about but never actually tried or purchased. With the days of the EF-M mount possibly being numbered and myself not wanting to lose value on my gear, I decided to sell it all and swap to Fuji.

This was my first body and lens combo which I used quite a bit and really enjoyed. Although I still have the X-S10, the 23mm was replaced with the XF 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR which complimented my Full Frame setup more.

Regarding this image itself, it’s easily one of my favorite product shots I’ve taken this year. I used a textured overlay to give the background a bit more character and I’m usually not great at off camera lighting but I was really happy with how I made it work for this shot.

Sydney City
Fujifilm X-S10 + XF 23mm f/1.4 R LM WR @ f/13, ISO 160 & 6.5 Sec

Please Turn Off IBIS

This was my first Cityscape after I got my Fujifilm X-S10 which was at Kirribilli here in Sydney.

With my previous cameras you could shoot on a tripod with IBIS on and there would be no issue with your long exposures. Because of this I didn’t bother to disable it on the Fuji and it resulted in the image being slightly blurred which I only noticed when I got home.

I decided to still try edit the image and if it’s any consolation, the image still turned out well. I haven’t really got the chance to try again with IBIS disabled as my cityscapes have been more handheld with the Fuji.

This was an important lesson that I definitely won’t forget.

Circular Quay

Surprise surprise, another Cityscape!

If you can’t already tell I really love shooting these. I find comfort in them as I feel I know them better than any other genre, but I also find them boring in the sense that I know them well so don’t feel as much of a challenge.

In saying that, I hadn’t really taken a shot from this particular composition which has a great sunset view so I gave it a try. The lens I used for this shot certainly wasn’t my favorite and this shoot was something that contributed to me swapping over to Sony which this image can always remind me of.

Regardless of the technical aspects, I am happy with this image and it definitely earned a spot in my top 5.

Dudley Page Reserve View

I didn’t really assign a priority or order to my images but if I did, this would be number 1.

This was a location I had on my places to visit for quite a while but would always forget about it. One day I had the time to go shoot sunset so I made the trip which is only 7km from the Sydney CBD despite how far I make it sound.

I took both my cameras with me but the wind was REALLY strong so I ended up going with this handheld shot using my Fuji X-S10. As soon as I loaded it into Lightroom I knew I had something good with this.

Onto the Next

That’s it for this post and my images for 2022! I hope you enjoyed this post and always if you’d like to be notified of future posts, please subscribe using the form below.

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Photos By Dlee

One response to “My Top 5 Images of 2022”

  1. Joey Avatar

    Nice selections! I love those cityscapes, but the product shot is really nice, too. Happy new year ahead, and I’m already looking forward to your photos from the upcoming Japan trip. 😅

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