Category: Bokeh
Power Beam Bokeh
Someones Power Beach Torch on the handlebars of their bike. Read more
Here are a few of my more recent flower shots. Rather than upload one each, I figured I would just upload them as a set. Read more
Week 12 – My Better Half
My photography journey started not long after I met my girlfriend which was nearly four years ago. She’s been very supportive of my hobby and has been there to witness my skills grow and style change. I’m very thankful to have her and I took this portrait of her which I’m real happy with, so… Read more
Week 14 – Favorite Location
This is a spot I love to visit in Autumn/Fall when all the leaves have fallen. It was a bit too sunny for my liking to do portraits (didn’t have any flash gear with me) so we just played around with the leaves. Read more