Tag: Clouds

  • Lightning Storm

    Lightning Storm

    The lightning storm last Friday was a good opportunity to try photographing lightning. This marks my first attempt and I managed to get a shot I was happy with before the rain got too heavy. Considering that I love stormy weather, hopefully we have more weather like this soon so I can give it another… Read more

  • Chippendale Green

    Chippendale Green

    A sunset shot of Chippendale Green. My exams are officially done after today so I can hopefully get back to posting here more. Read more

  • Weekend Happenings

    Weekend Happenings

    This weekend I went to Watson’s Bay by ferry which is the first time I’ve visited that location. Even though the breeeze was quite cool, it was very sunny which led to a long hot walk when we finally got there. There was some bushfire burnings again this weekend so there was a smokey mist… Read more

  • Brighton Beach

    Brighton Beach

    During out trip to Melbourne we got to visit Brighton Beach which is known for these colorful bathing boxes. The weather was quite cold that day but luckily there was no rain so we could enjoy our time there without getting soaked. Here’s some images from the location.   This is was probably my favorite… Read more

  • Hi Melbourne

    Hi Melbourne

    I went to Melbourne for the first time last weekend and definitely enjoyed myself. We found ourselves mostly walking around the city, trying to see as many tourist attractions as we could see. Some friends that live in Melbourne were also kind enough to take us out for brunch and to visit Brighton Beach. Here’s… Read more

  • City Walk

    City Walk

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  • Morning Shine

    Morning Shine

    Here’s a few shots from around Central Station this morning in Sydney. I walk along here every morning during my rush to catch the train. Although I really enjoy the walk now that it’s winter, I bet once summer hits I won’t be liking it as much. In unrelated news, strong rumors seem to indicate that… Read more

  • Regal Theater

    Regal Theater

    This is the Regal Theatre in Subiaco at sunset. Read more

  • My First Canvas From The Canvas Factory

    My First Canvas From The Canvas Factory

    This is my very first canvas which I ordered from The Canvas Factory, an online store based in Australia. I never tried doing such a large print of my images before and thought this would be a good place to start. Read more

  • Winter Is Empty Beaches

    Winter Is Empty Beaches

    This image was taken a few weeks ago when I was taking my black and white long exposures. It’s nice to see the contrast between seasons of how busy or quiet the beach can be. Read more