Tag: Landscape
These images were taken at Circular Quay last month. We went for a short walk and I took the Tamron 28-75 rather than take my 35mm. I have a trip next month to Hawaii and San Francisco and will only be taking the Tamron. The portrait above I took with the Tamron as well. I really… Read more
What Season Is It?
The weather here in Sydney has been a bit crazy. Some people may even be asking, what season is it? This will be my second summer here in Sydney and I am loving this cold rainy weather. Back in Perth the summers were always dry and really hot. I find it funny that there seems… Read more
Australian Hotel
While walking home I took this shoot to see how much of the Central Park buildings I could fit in. As there was nothing exciting happening with the colors in the sky, I decided a black and white edit was appropriate. Read more
Vivid 2018
I am happy to say I finished my exams today and can finally get back to uploading. I will make sure to have my Sony A7III impressions out in the next week. In the mean time, here’s a few shots from Vivid Sydney! Read more
Keep Walking
This is a shot that I thought wouldn’t turn out too well but thankfully did. On this bridge, there was people walking past constantly and it was made of wood which means vibration would be an issue. I was very surprised that my new travel tripod managed 30 second exposures with no issues. If anyone… Read more
It’s been a little over one week since I got back from Singapore now and I surprisingly miss it. This shot was taken on my first day there and it was when I met up with Joey of lastlights.net. I was trying to do some very long exposures and accidently underexposed this so it took… Read more
Merlion City
Singapore is a location I’ve wanted to visit for many years now. Last week I was luckily enough to finally put that plan into fruition. I would say I really enjoyed my trip except for one aspect, the humidity. Although Sydney isn’t the coldest place in Australia, I do prefer my cold winter days over… Read more
Storm Over Bradleys Head
Last weekend the weather appeared to be good so I decided to rent a car and drive to Bradleys Head to do a long exposure. Although I’m happy with the image I got, I did have some challenges. Read more