Tag: Sony A7III
Darling Square
Very recently a new area opened here in Sydney. This area is Darling Square which can be seen in the featured image at the top of the page. The spiral type building is actually houses a library, food hall and other things. I have to say I really like the design of it. I had… Read more
Living Life Still
Recently I have been getting back into still life photography. I have been lazy to leave the house and also sick so shooting at home was the easiest solution. In the first episode of my podcast, I mentioned that origami is something I really enjoy but am bad at. I was thinking about this and… Read more
Sydney Light Trails
The above image was a photo I made for a tutorial over at The Photography Enthusiast. It is made of 7 individual photos merged using the lighten blend mode in Photoshop. If you want more insight into how I made the image, you can watch my video above. Read more
Mrs Macquaries Point
Have you ever been to a location to try something new, then leave feeling like the shots didn’t work out? That’s how I felt after taking the above image. I wanted to try a HDR panorama in Lightroom which is a feature I’ve never tried. Above you’ll see the original merged image before cropping. It… Read more
Christmas in July Markets
Here we have several images that were taken over the past few weeks. The featured image as well as the following 2 were taken at the Christmas in July Markets here in Sydney. Sadly I forgot I had the silent shutter enabled so the image of the blowtorch has some banding. Next we have a… Read more
My Favorite Flavor
When it comes to tea I would say Chamomile is easily my favorite flavor. For quite some time, I went back to drinking tea bags instead of the fresh leaves. Recently I bought one those small strainers (the item in the picture holding the tea) so I’ve gone back to drinking leaves and I’m very… Read more
JJC Lens Case
Above is a JJC lens case I bought to house my Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 FE. Sadly this lens doesn’t come with its own case so I found this to be a good alternative. The quality and price are just right so I can definitely recommend it to anyone who owns this Tamron zoom. Read more
Another Week Done
So in my last post I mentioned how good the weather had been with all the rain. Sadly that didn’t last and the sun is back as you can see. It’s been a fairly busy week for me since I was trying to finish my article on why I love 35mm and 85mm. If you… Read more
Recently I started my second play through of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. When I originally played it on PS4, I didn’t get to play the DLC. Back then I didn’t have a decent PC and with this game always on sale, I got the complete edition on PC. So far I’ve played for 105… Read more
Recent Weeks
The weather here in Sydney has been a bit temperamental the past few weeks. We’ve had everything from rain to fog to sunshine. Below are a few photos from just over a week ago when we had some heavy fog on a Saturday morning. The image above was a several minute long exposure for the… Read more