Tag: Sony A7III
Red Dead Redemption 2
It has been nearly 3 weeks since Red Dead Redemption 2 launched and I’m only half way through the story. Previously, The Witcher 3 was my all time favorite game but RDR2 is quickly stealing that title away. For some games I get such as Pokemon, I enjoy buying the strategy guides that are made for… Read more
Some of the decorations at a Japanese restaurant near my place called Bang Bang 🙂 Read more
Bubble Nini Tea
This is a strawberry milk tea from Bubble Nini Tea here in Chippendale. I walk past here every day but only just got around to trying it. I don’t drink much bubble tea these days (part of being a Starbucks Frappuccino addict) but this was REALLY good and well worth trying. Read more
Chat Thai
Ash and Pikachu Nendoroid
Here is my newest collection to the Nendoroid family 😀 When Ash and Pikachu first appeared, they were greeted by a mysterious figure Then once they realized it was just Link from Hyrule, everyone was happy to see each other Read more
Australian Hotel
While walking home I took this shoot to see how much of the Central Park buildings I could fit in. As there was nothing exciting happening with the colors in the sky, I decided a black and white edit was appropriate. Read more
Harris Street
This is a street I walk down regularly on my way to Haymarket. There’s nothing special about this spot, but the lighting is nice at sunset. Read more
Lightning Storm
The lightning storm last Friday was a good opportunity to try photographing lightning. This marks my first attempt and I managed to get a shot I was happy with before the rain got too heavy. Considering that I love stormy weather, hopefully we have more weather like this soon so I can give it another… Read more
Bronte To Bondi Beach Walk
A few weeks back I finally did the Bondi coastal walk. We started in Bronte and luckily it was nice and cool that day. Here are some of the shots I took along the way. Read more