Tag: Travel
State Library of Victoria
On our second last day we went to visit the state library of Victoria which was conveniently place across the road from Melbourne central. It was really busy both inside and outside being a Sunday. Here’s a few shots from inside the library Read more
Brighton Beach
During out trip to Melbourne we got to visit Brighton Beach which is known for these colorful bathing boxes. The weather was quite cold that day but luckily there was no rain so we could enjoy our time there without getting soaked. Here’s some images from the location. This is was probably my favorite… Read more
Hi Melbourne
I went to Melbourne for the first time last weekend and definitely enjoyed myself. We found ourselves mostly walking around the city, trying to see as many tourist attractions as we could see. Some friends that live in Melbourne were also kind enough to take us out for brunch and to visit Brighton Beach. Here’s… Read more
Off Gallivanting
Sadly today my girlfriend went off with her family for a long holiday to visit L.A and Hawaii. This is some of her money she had already exchanged before heading off. Read more
3D Pop Up Cards
Here are some cards I got from the markets in Hong Kong. As soon as I seen them I knew I wanted them since I love creative stuff like this. I shot these using natural window light from the right and had a large silver reflector on the left as a bit of fill light.… Read more
Tiny Totoro
I got this little Totoro plush when I was in Hong Kong. He may not have even eyes or be the prettiest plushy you’ve ever seen, but he’s pretty to me so that’s what counts 😛 Read more
Before Anyone Did Anything
Here is the last image that I have to upload from my trip to Hong Kong. This was taken on one of the last nights as we walked around, visiting all the places we were going to miss. I had so much fun and wish I could live in Hong Kong, even if it was… Read more
Meat Master J
Since I have very few images left from Hong Kong, I’d figured just upload the last few without worrying about what days they were taken. Both images are from the markets right near Langham Place. We hadn’t looked round there before so decided to explore the area while we still had a few days left.… Read more
Dragon’s Back
We had quite a lot of fun climbing the Dragon’s Back Trail in Hong Kong. It was the first time either one of us had tried anything like this so it was definitely a new and fun experience. In all honesty I was quite disappointed by the weather. I had read about and seen photos of… Read more