Tag: Water

  • Storm Over Bradleys Head

    Storm Over Bradleys Head

    Last weekend the weather appeared to be good so I decided to rent a car and drive to Bradleys Head to do a long exposure. Although I’m happy with the image I got, I did have some challenges. Read more

  • Sydney


    Since moving to Sydney, this is a spot I’ve wanted to shoot the sunset from but never got around to it. The weather appeared to be nice and cloudy on the weekend so I decided to head down here to try do some long exposures. Once we arrived all the clouds were gone but I… Read more

  • Weekend Happenings

    Weekend Happenings

    This weekend I went to Watson’s Bay by ferry which is the first time I’ve visited that location. Even though the breeeze was quite cool, it was very sunny which led to a long hot walk when we finally got there. There was some bushfire burnings again this weekend so there was a smokey mist… Read more

  • Hello Sydney

    Hello Sydney

    After MANY years of waiting, I have finally made the move to Sydney. I got here just over 2 weeks ago now and have really been enjoying the new environment. Read more

  • Elizabeth Quay View

    Elizabeth Quay View

    The above image is from my first trial of the Haida ND1.8 filter I got last week. It was also my first time shooting at the new Elizabeth Quay area in Perth. I’m really loving using square filters over circular, the quality of the Haida filters are amazing too. I didn’t get the 100 Series filter holder… Read more

  • Searching


    This is a silhouette portrait of myself I took the other night when out shooting with a friend. I actually didn’t plan this as a silhouette but when I tried it as one, it seemed to suit it well. While I do love the 100L and it is a great all rounder, my heart still… Read more

  • Get Out Of The House

    Get Out Of The House

    This is very close to the other seascapes I have done but still something a little different. I thought I would try shooting 3 different compositions and here are the results. For the top image, it was my first shot and I managed to get the exposure right on the first attempt. This is actually… Read more

  • Week 22 – Favorite Weather

    Week 22 – Favorite Weather

    It has been a quiet week for me photography wise. My time is still being dedicated to The Witcher 3 among other things. My time limit was almost up for my week 22 submission so I went out this morning to capture this. Read more

  • Calm

    , ,

    This was taken at Applecross Jetty, just to the left of my upload from the other day. I had shot here as well all those years ago and the image I took back then was nowhere near the quality of this present day image. I was using my 10 stop for this image and was… Read more