Author: Daniel Lee

  • West End View [Take Two]

    West End View [Take Two]
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    A view of the Perth CBD from Parliament House. No ND filter was used for the above image one since it was already very dark by this time, although for the below image my 10 stop B+w was used. Read more

  • Week 12 – My Better Half

    Week 12 – My Better Half
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    My photography journey started not long after I met my girlfriend which was nearly four years ago. She’s been very supportive of my hobby and has been there to witness my skills grow and style change. I’m very thankful to have her and I took this portrait of her which I’m real happy with, so… Read more

  • Old Shanghai

    Old Shanghai
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    Last night I went out to the final night of the Night Markets in Northbridge. While my girlfriend was busy with friends, I got the chance to walk around and see what I could find in the night scenes. Here is the entire set from that night. Read more

  • Focus


    Another self portrait to add to the collection. Recently I’ve wanted to improve my portraits and off camera lighting so I decided to give it some more practice. Read more

  • Timmy


    This is my friend Timmy who I’ve known for at least five years or more. I took some portraits of him a while ago which can be found HERE. We went to dinner for a catch up and once dinner was done, I took some portraits of him. I used to prefer doing more wide,… Read more

  • Canning Bridge

    Canning Bridge

    There was FINALLY some beautiful stormy weather (I hate blue skies and LOVE cold, cloudy weather) so I made sure to go out and put my 10 stop to good use! Here is another image of the same subject, it was taken about 30 minutes earlier without the 10 stop. Although I really like the… Read more

  • Week 14 – Favorite Location

    Week 14 – Favorite Location

      This is a spot I love to visit in Autumn/Fall when all the leaves have fallen. It was a bit too sunny for my liking to do portraits (didn’t have any flash gear with me) so we just played around with the leaves. Read more