Category: Bokeh
Ribs & Burgers Bacon & Cheese Burger
This is bacon and cheese burger from Ribs & Burgers in Perth. I was surprised at how filling it was, since I ordered a regular chips with it too! Read more
Inner Turmoil
So I have been on a bit of a hiatus when it comes to photography and the past few months have been interesting for me to say the least. I’v been through somewhat of a personal battle, hence the title of inner turmoil. The death of my Mom was something I thought I had accepted… Read more
Yongnuo YN685
This is the Yongnuo YN 685 which is probably one of their best value speedlights. I got it when I was on holiday in Hong Kong and really wish I had purchased more of them. These are somewhat unique as they have both a Yongnuo RF 603 and 622 trigger inside them. Considering that I… Read more
In A Mirrorless Kind Of Mood
The M3 doesn’t seem to be very popular on most sites I frequent, but it has managed to win over my heart. I got it quite a while ago as a travel/family camera for my girlfriend and I had so much fun using it in Hong Kong, I decided to get the EF Mount adapter… Read more
Before Anyone Did Anything
Here is the last image that I have to upload from my trip to Hong Kong. This was taken on one of the last nights as we walked around, visiting all the places we were going to miss. I had so much fun and wish I could live in Hong Kong, even if it was… Read more
Carbon Fiber PS4 Skin
This is my PS4 wrapped in a carbon fibre skin from Dbrand. I’m a huge fan of Dbrand products. The quality of every product I’ve received from them has been very high and they’re always easy to put on. I’ve had a skin on my phone for ages and with them having a sale at the… Read more
Sunset Flies
As I was walking around to kill some time, I took these two shots. The top image is just a simple plant that looked nice with back lighting from the sunset. The second image is of these tiny flies that were flying around which looked great with the back lighting from the sunset. Read more
Candy Shake
This is a dessert from a great place in Hong Kong called “Candy Shake”. To my girlfriends embarrassment, I would visit this place at least once a day (sometimes twice). The dessert tasted really good and it was fairly cheap as well (HK $24 if I remember correctly). I’m pretty sure the staff got sick… Read more
Haida ND1.8
I have finally entered the world of sqaure filters and this is my first one, the Haida 6 Stop ND. I haven’t had the time to actually try it out, but I’m very happy with the build quality and packaging it came with. Once I can go out and take some proper photos with it,… Read more
Stolen Parts
Looks like the owner of this bike has unwillingly ‘donated’ his wheel to a new owner… Read more