Category: Still Life
NZXT Kraken 280mm [19/52]
Recently I’ve found Lightroom crashing at different times when I was doing simple things such as trying to import photos among other things. Usually I’d blame the application itself but considering my CPU was an Intel i7 7700, it was more than a bit long in the tooth. At more than 6 years old it… Read more
The Final Lineup [16/52]
When putting together a camera kit there’s a lot of different ways you can go. Some people prefer zooms while others prefer primes but for me, I like a mix of both. I find in the mid range from around 24mm to 100mm you can easily shoot with primes and ‘zoom with your feet’. When… Read more
Daily Dose [15/52]
For this week’s entry I thought I’d take a shot I’ve wanted to for quite some time now. One focus for me now that I’m older is my health and fitness. In my 20’s I’d always exercise frequently only to stop after a few weeks to a month. I’d always repeat this cycle and never… Read more
Always Feeling Full
I’ve been busy working on editing my Japan photos (first part is nearly done) so I thought I’d post something in the meantime. I’ve felt like ever since I got back from Japan I’ve been in a real photography mood and wanted to shoot as much as I can. As you can see at the… Read more
A Personal Favorite [13/52]
I’ve owned quite a few lenses over the years, some I’ve loved and others not so much. For me lenses make a camera system and the lens above is what is keeping me in the Fujifilm ecosystem. It’s funny because when it comes to FF bodies I was never fond of the 50mm focal length… Read more
Close the Rings [9/52]
Like many I wear a Smart Watch daily. I also like to close all my ‘rings’ each and every day. Ever since getting my first Apple Watch many years ago I found myself doing as much each day to try and make sure I could hit my move, stand and exercise goals. When it comes… Read more
More Celebrations
It feels like quite a long time but here’s a more proper and content full blog post. Slowly in the background I’ve been working on my 52 Week Project and if you weren’t aware, I’m also taking a break from my podcast until some things stabilize a bit. It was weeks ago now but we… Read more
Valentine’s Day [7/52]
Yesterday was Valentine’s Day which means like many out there, I bought some flowers for my significant others. Considering this would probably be the most eventful thing of my week I figured it would make a great entry. For shots like this I really appreciate the 85mm focal length. I’ve struggled with the minimum focusing… Read more
Adventure Awaits [5/52]
Here is the 5th entry for my 2023 52 Week Project. In 2020 we had booked a trip to Japan for my birthday in April. Obviously Covid happened so we never actually got to go. Each year since we’ve tried to book but travel restrictions stopped us until recently. As I also got married last… Read more
The Past and Present
Welcome to my first normal blog post for 2023. As you may have noticed I’ve been doing my 52 Week Project which have their own posts but I have had some leftover images I’ve been meaning to post. This post is pretty much me playing catch up on all of those. Some Christmas Images Below… Read more