Tag: 52 Week Project

  • Week 36 – My Note 5

    Week 36 – My Note 5
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    I got my Note 5 last week and so far I’m really loving it. The display is amazing and I’ve been using the camera on this more that I did when I first got my iPhone 4s/5s. The one feature I’m really missing from my iPhone is iMessage. I’m able to get the same features… Read more

  • Week 34 – Smell Good

    Week 34 – Smell Good
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    This scent is one of my new favorites. I was pretty happy since I was going to buy it at $40 a few weeks ago but decided not to at the last minute. Looked at buying it again the other day and noticed it had gone on special for only $28 so I was VERY… Read more

  • Week 33 – Zodiac

    Week 33 – Zodiac
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    This is a book I bought but haven’t got around to reading it yet. I read reviews on this book and many people claim this solves the very interesting mystery of The Zodiac Killer (ZK) so the sooner I read it the better. The case of the ZK is really interesting. After watching the movie (Zodiac… Read more

  • Week 32 – Enjoyable Journey

    Week 32 – Enjoyable Journey

    This is probably my favorite Pokemon game to date. I love having my Pokemon following behind me, it was such a great feature that should be in every game. I also loved having two regions, although Kanto could have been more story driven. This was more of a challenging game too (still not hard, but… Read more

  • Catching Up

    Catching Up

    While eating my lunch I couldn’t help but capture these two having fun talking. Read more

  • Week 31 – Lights Ahead

    Week 31 – Lights Ahead
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    This image was interesting for me lighting wise. Although the sunset is on front of me, if you look carefully you can see my shadow falling forwards as well. This is because there is a large building maybe 800m behind me that is purely glass. The sun was bouncing off this building and creating a… Read more

  • Week 30 – Wave of Darkness

    Week 30 – Wave of Darkness

    I’m on top of things this week and have my 52 week project submission ready on day one! I was out with my girlfriend in Kings Park (people in Perth would possibly know the spot I took this from) and noticed how well the trees framed the QV1 building. As I took the shot, we… Read more

  • Week 29 – Reconnected

    Week 29 – Reconnected
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    After 5 weeks I FINALLY have internet back at home. I was so happy this morning, I felt like it was 10 birthdays at once 😛 This was shot at sunrise on Mounts Bay Road in Crawley. I went out with the intentions of shooting something else but the clouds weren’t moving how I wanted… Read more

  • Week 28 – Learning

    Week 28 – Learning
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    As I mentioned a while back, I’ve been trying to improve my color grading. I had developed a routine when editing my images which seemed to work, but I felt it just wasn’t quite right. I made a few changes and now I feel my consistency will be much better when doing these kind of… Read more

  • Week 27 – Anniversary

    Week 27 – Anniversary
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    Here are some flowers I got my girlfriend as a small present for our anniversary. Read more