Tag: Danbo

  • The G.A.S Has Returned Again

    The G.A.S Has Returned Again

    Here are some new photos from my recent road trip a whopping 10 minute drive from my house. I actually been going here way too much and you’d recognize it from my last post so I need to give this location a break for a while. I wanted to visit here one more time to… Read more

  • The Art Has Arrived

    The Art Has Arrived

    Welcome to my fortnightly update! This post will be a bit shorter than usual. It has been one of those fortnights were life has got in the way. By the time this is posted I will hopefully be done with my assignment. This particular unit has been stressing me out so hopefully things can go… Read more

  • Danbo Meets Tatsu

    Danbo Meets Tatsu

    I wanted to give my Sony 85mm f/1.8 lens a test and I figured Danbo and Tatsu would make good subjects. I’m really happy with the AF, bokeh and sharpness from this lens. I can’t wait to get out and use it more 😀 Read more

  • Best Friends Forever

    Best Friends Forever

    I haven’t taken any photos of Danbo for ages and since I have that Tiny Totoro plush, I thought this would make a funny photo Read more

  • Forgotten Friend

    Forgotten Friend

    Many of my images used to have Danbo as their subject a long time ago but these days he’s hardly seen. Hopefully he can be seen more and more in the not too distant future. Read more

  • Navman: Danbo Edition

    Navman: Danbo Edition

    Who needs a real GPS when you have Danbo to direct you around! Read more

  • Danbo’s All Wrapped Up

    Danbo’s All Wrapped Up
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    While wrapping some last minute presents, Danbo got in the way and ended up getting wrapped too! Read more