Tag: Sony A73

  • Another Year, Another Vivid Festival

    Another Year, Another Vivid Festival

    Here are some photos from the Vivid festival here in Sydney. Nothing really changed much this year so I didn’t take many photos. The few photos I did take were mostly candid street shots. All shots were taken handheld and I had to bump the ISO up quite. This is probably the first time I’ve… Read more

  • Just Go Shoot

    Just Go Shoot

    There’s a few things I want to cover in this post. First off, yes this is another self portrait. Any time I get sick of my display picture on social media, this is my answer to that problem. Rather than use a mirror like people typically use, I had the A7III and the Sigma 35mm… Read more

  • The Disappointment

    The Disappointment

    Now this mug comes with a somewhat disappointing story for me. It’s nothing serious and more humorous than anything. My girlfriend went to Japan back in February and while there, sent me photos of all the Starbucks mugs they sell there. The photo below is what she sent me and I was instantly in love… Read more

  • Here and There

    Here and There

    Below are a bunch of casual images I took recently but don’t really need the own post. All except the lantern were taken last weekend. The lantern was actually inside the Westfield in San Francisco. I have a few more posts planned and some new projects too that I’m excited to work on. Once they… Read more

  • Together 2019

    Together 2019

    A few weeks ago we went out one Sydney to take some couple portraits. When I first got into photography, I used to do portraits of us every single week. As we got older we got busier and just didn’t have the time to go out and short all the time. The portrait below is… Read more

  • Devon Cafe Brunch

    Devon Cafe Brunch

    We took advantage of the quiet public holiday to try Devon Cafe in Barangaroo. On a weekday it is usually packed but being a public holiday, it was much quieter. Here are some photos of our food and dessert. Read more

  • Blue Mountains Botanical Gardens

    Blue Mountains Botanical Gardens

    During the Easter break, I visited the Blue Mountains here in New South Wales for the first time. It’s just over 100km from the CBD but as you have to pass through some residential areas, it takes just under 2 hours to get there. My main reason for wanting to visit was the trees and… Read more

  • Fuji Instax

    Fuji Instax

    This is the Fuji Instax Mini 9. My girlfriend loves Polaroid cameras so I got this for her birthday. We previous owner a Polaroid branded one but if was a bit old now so a new one was needed. This Fuji model seems to be a bit better when it comes to metering and exposing… Read more

  • Celebrations


    There was a few celebrations recently.  Both my girlfriend I have our birthdays in April, just 8 days apart. This cake in particular was for my birthday and it was my favorite flavor, Black Forrest 😀 Read more

  • Paddy’s Market

    Paddy’s Market

    Here are some candid street shots from Paddy’s Market here in Sydney. My girlfriend likes to come here on a weekly basis to buy all her fruits and this was one of the rare times I had my camera with me. It’s such a busy environment so it’s easy to capture candid moments. I have… Read more