Tag: Top 5

  • My Top 5 Photos of 2023

    My Top 5 Photos of 2023

    I’m cutting it a bit close, but I’ve finally gotten around to finishing up my top 5 photos of 2023. I didn’t do much photography this year as I spent about 3 months with an eye issue that made editing not so easy. In fact, many of the photos I edited during that period need… Read more

  • My Top 5 Images of 2022

    My Top 5 Images of 2022

    Just like last year I’ve decided to show what I consider my top 5 images of 2022. I would say looking back on the last 12 months I’m not actually that happy with my photography this year. Although I did get some images I quite liked, I feel the majority aren’t anything that special. In… Read more

  • My Top 5 Images of 2021

    My Top 5 Images of 2021
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    This year was a bit up and down for my photography due to lockdowns stopping me from shooting as much as I usually do during the colder months. Regardless I took some images this year that I’m really proud of and picking these wasn’t an easy task. The choice had to be made though and… Read more

  • My Top 5 Images of 2020

    My Top 5 Images of 2020

    With a few weeks left in 2020 I figure it’s time for my top images of the year. Although there are a few weeks to go, I don’t see myself getting any other top imagines in that remaining time. Below are my top 5 images in no particular order. Anna Bay NSW This photo was… Read more

  • My Top 5 Photos of 2019

    My Top 5 Photos of 2019

    With 2019 coming to an end, it is time to review my top 5 images of the year. Below you will see in no particular order the images I picked including a brief description of them. Fuji Instax This image is one I took most recently out of the top 5. I had watched a… Read more