Tag: Urban

  • Week 9 – Finding Its Owner

    Week 9 – Finding Its Owner

    While walking to the station to catch my train home, I took my camera out to see what I could find. I went to take a photo of this bike by itself when this lady was looking around for something, while standing next to the bike which made it look like she was trying to… Read more

  • West End View [Take Two]

    West End View [Take Two]
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    A view of the Perth CBD from Parliament House. No ND filter was used for the above image one since it was already very dark by this time, although for the below image my 10 stop B+w was used. Read more

  • Old Shanghai

    Old Shanghai
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    Last night I went out to the final night of the Night Markets in Northbridge. While my girlfriend was busy with friends, I got the chance to walk around and see what I could find in the night scenes. Here is the entire set from that night. Read more