Tag: Canon EOS R6

  • Doing Life

    Doing Life
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    Wow it’s been a long time since my last post. I’ve had so much happening. First I got legally married here in Australia, then I injured myself exercising and got a flu. After that I was off to Bali for my actual wedding and once I was back, I got sick again. I’m nearly fully… Read more

  • A Trip To Melbourne & More

    A Trip To Melbourne & More
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    This is probably one of my biggest posts in quite some time. I’ve got a bit behind in my editing but I guess it’s more content for you. I’m finally back to shooting a lot, partially thanks to a new camera. As I mentioned in my last post, I said goodbye to the Canon EOS… Read more

  • Hi Fuji

    Hi Fuji

    In the never ending saga of my G.A.S, I am saying goodbye to the M50 Mark II and I am excited to say I’ve now got myself a Fuji X-S10 and XF 23mm f/1.4 LM WR! We had a lot of rain here in Sydney so I’ve only been able to take the two images… Read more

  • She Said Yes!

    She Said Yes!

    I currently have a post in the works with a bunch of photos from my last outing but I thought I’d quickly release this one first. After nearly 11 years I am finally engaged to my now fiancé! It was an easy yes since we already have our wedding booked but still exciting nevertheless. This… Read more

  • How My Cityscapes Have Changed

    How My Cityscapes Have Changed

    Last weekend I went out to shoot Cityscapes for the first time since daylight savings ended. I decided to use the Canon RF 16mm f/2.8 for the image above and I realized something interesting, I actually prefer telephotos for Cityscapes now. Just to see if this was true I thought I’d also go out with… Read more

  • A Review, a Revisit and a Cafe

    A Review, a Revisit and a Cafe
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    We are almost halfway through April and I’ve barely been shooting this year so far but I’m trying to change that. I have now released my Canon RF 35mm f/1.8 STM IS review over at The Photography Enthusiast which the featured image at the top of the page is for. Aside from that I’ve had… Read more

  • The Family Grows Then Shrinks

    The Family Grows Then Shrinks
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    Despite making it my goal to control my G.A.S this year, my lens family got a tiny bit bigger last week. In 2020 I travelled within the state using just the M5 and was pleasantly surprised with how well it performed and didn’t feel limiting. Like most people, if travelling with family photography isn’t my… Read more

  • Celebrations, A Review and More!

    Celebrations, A Review and More!
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    So it’s been a while since my last post and although I haven’t updated this blog, I’ve still been shooting. I haven’t been able to keep up with the Macro Monday challenges and stuff like that but I have shot from time to time when visiting a few places and out for meals. Here are… Read more

  • The Tree Is Up

    The Tree Is Up

    We’ve finally put our tree up last week so I think it’s mandatory to take some photos of the decorations. Considering we use the same decorations each year there’s only so much you can change to make them look unique but I thought I’d give it a try anyway. The below images were taken with… Read more

  • Bottle for Macro Monday’s

    Bottle for Macro Monday’s
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    For this weeks Macro Monday’s challenge the theme is a bottle which couldn’t have anything inside it and had to focus on the object itself. I wasn’t too sure what I could do to make a bottle by itself more interesting and I ended up with the image you see above. I decided to focus… Read more