Tag: Sony FE 35mm f/1.4 GM

  • My Next Task at Hand

    My Next Task at Hand

    I’m trying to get back into posting here more so this is one step towards that. I actually have quite a few images I need to post but as it’s part of an unreleased project of sorts, I need at least a few more weeks before it’s ready to share. Until then, you’ll see some… Read more

  • My Short Trip to Queenstown, New Zealand

    My Short Trip to Queenstown, New Zealand

    Almost two months ago I went to Queenstown, New Zealand for my 1 year wedding anniversary. This was my first time visiting Queenstown and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. I’m not much of a nature person but as you can tell, this is certainly a nature type of place. We were only… Read more

  • My Favorite Animal [27/52]

    My Favorite Animal [27/52]

    This is a post I was hesitant to make. If you do read each of my 52 Week Project posts, you’ll notice I’m behind by two weeks I believe. I’ve been having some eye issues which has prevented me from both shooting and editing. This eye condition can last up to 4 months and my… Read more

  • The PlayStation 5 [23/52]

    The PlayStation 5 [23/52]

    For this week’s entry I decided to feature one of my favorite possessions, the Sony PlayStation 5. I’ve owned every PlayStation console since the PS1 and the only ones I haven’t owned are the handhelds. When it comes to the PS5, I actually owned mine since launch. I was pretty lucky and preorded it in… Read more

  • Glued to the Couch [6/52]

    Glued to the Couch [6/52]

    To continue the trend of telling a story of sorts about me, I thought I’d do another self portrait. Aside from photography and WWE, my other main hobby would be gaming. Any free time I have would usually be glued to the couch and playing PS5 or Switch. Currently I’m playing Hogwarts Legacy but I… Read more

  • The Past and Present

    The Past and Present
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    Welcome to my first normal blog post for 2023. As you may have noticed I’ve been doing my 52 Week Project which have their own posts but I have had some leftover images I’ve been meaning to post. This post is pretty much me playing catch up on all of those. Some Christmas Images Below… Read more

  • When The Sun Stays Up, I Stay Inside

    When The Sun Stays Up, I Stay Inside

    First off sorry for the long time since my last blog post. I’ve been shooting as you’ll see from the number of images, just not to the same volume as I had been in previous weeks. I also got a bit behind on my editing as I had been doing some upgrades on my PC… Read more

  • Something Wide

    Something Wide

    This fortnight was exciting as I got two new lenses, the Sony FE PZ 16-35mm f/4 G and the Fujifilm XF 27mm F2.8 R WR. Now the interesting part is at the time of writing, I only own one of these lenses now. This was one of the instances of if renting was a viable… Read more

  • Time to Get Good Again

    Time to Get Good Again
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    My images are starting to back up so despite my last post being only a few days ago, here we are with another post. I’ve been very eager to actually take photos which is a good change. We’ve had some wet weather here in Sydney though so it hasn’t be as easy as I’d like.… Read more

  • My Sony Kit So Far

    My Sony Kit So Far
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    It’s only been a few days since I made the swap to Sony but it’s been busy. Like whenever I get a new camera I’ve been taking a lot of photos so I can get used to how the body works. In next week’s podcast episode I’ll be discussing in detail why I made the… Read more