Category: Still Life

  • The Sigma 50mm f/2 DG DN Has Arrived

    The Sigma 50mm f/2 DG DN Has Arrived

    Last week I received my Sigma 50mm f/2 DG DN Contemporary lens. This lens will be something small I can carry around with me when I don’t feel like dealing with the added weight of my 35GM or 85mm Art. Also, once I get the a7C II this lens will primarily be used with that… Read more

  • I Got the Apple iPhone 15 Plus!

    I Got the Apple iPhone 15 Plus!
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    After 4 years of owning an Apple iPhone XS Max, I finally upgraded. Like anything I thought I’d share some images of the new phone which I took with the Sigma 105mm f/2.8 DN Art. This is now my go to product photography lens and it’s continuing to impress me. Below are the actual images… Read more

  • A New Record I’ve Set Regarding My Gear

    A New Record I’ve Set Regarding My Gear

    Welcome to another blog post. This one is a bit funny based on the title. It’s mostly regarding my Fuji but before we get into it, I thought I’d share some other images which will add context to the parts later in the post. Below are a few casual images I took while I was… Read more

  • I Finally Gave in and Bought a New Fujifilm Body

    I Finally Gave in and Bought a New Fujifilm Body

    I have some exciting news as I am the proud owner of a Fujifilm X-S20! I sold my X-S10 back in May as soon as the new body was announced and was waiting for some decent sales. Those sales finally arrived and I’m sure if I waited until the end of the year they would… Read more

  • Lego Bonsai [28/52]

    Lego Bonsai [28/52]

    During Christmas last year I got the Lego Bonsai Tree as a present but hadn’t found the time to set it up. As I needed something for this week’s entry, I figured it was time to make it. I used my grey background with natural light coming from the window to camera left. The gear… Read more

  • My New Macro [25/52]

    My New Macro [25/52]

    For this week’s entry there’s something a bit more exciting, I got a new lens! The lens in question is the Sigma 105mm f/2.8 DN Macro. When I swapped back to Sony, this was one of the lenses on my list to buy but I wasn’t convinced I needed one. In recent times, I got… Read more

  • A Sweet Tooth [24/52]

    A Sweet Tooth [24/52]

    I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this in previous posts but to say I have a sweet tooth it would be an understatement. I really love my dessert and always have. There was even one point where I was having two desserts a day. This lasted until there was one year before Christmas when I… Read more

  • The PlayStation 5 [23/52]

    The PlayStation 5 [23/52]

    For this week’s entry I decided to feature one of my favorite possessions, the Sony PlayStation 5. I’ve owned every PlayStation console since the PS1 and the only ones I haven’t owned are the handhelds. When it comes to the PS5, I actually owned mine since launch. I was pretty lucky and preorded it in… Read more

  • Another Sad Goodbye [22/52]

    Another Sad Goodbye [22/52]

    Yesterday I said goodbye to the Fujifilm X-S10 which had loyally served me for the past year. I really liked this body but with the X-S20 officially announced, it was time to go if I wanted to make the most of the resale value. Although I only owned this body for just over a year,… Read more

  • The New Build [21/52]

    The New Build [21/52]

    For this week’s entry I thought I’d show a better look at something I fell in love with recently, my new PC build. In my previous blog post I just showed a close up on one of the components but it didn’t do my PC any justice showing one part of it. I also love… Read more