Tag: Macro

  • Bottle for Macro Monday’s

    Bottle for Macro Monday’s
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    For this weeks Macro Monday’s challenge the theme is a bottle which couldn’t have anything inside it and had to focus on the object itself. I wasn’t too sure what I could do to make a bottle by itself more interesting and I ended up with the image you see above. I decided to focus… Read more

  • Treasured


    This weeks theme for Macro Monday’s on Flickr is Treasured so here is my image. With the theme, you need to capture something that is treasured to you. I don’t have many very small items that would be good for macro shots aside from this ring which I’ve had for well over 10 years so… Read more

  • Is It Really June Part II

    Is It Really June Part II

    We’re now half way through June and as always, time is flying by so quick. I haven’t been shooting a great deal due to an assignment and exam but that is about to change. Digging Through the Archives I think it’s quite common for people to be going through old photos at the moment. I… Read more

  • In A Mirrorless Kind Of Mood

    In A Mirrorless Kind Of Mood

    The M3 doesn’t seem to be very popular on most sites I frequent, but it has managed to win over my heart. I got it quite a while ago as a travel/family camera for my girlfriend and I had so much fun using it in Hong Kong, I decided to get the EF Mount adapter… Read more

  • Week 51 – The Home Stretch

    Week 51 – The Home Stretch
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    This is one of those rare times that I actually use my 100L for macro work. This is also my second last post in my 52 Week Project and although I’m happy for it to end, I’m already planning how to challenge myself next year by possible attempting it again. Read more

  • Week 41 – Window To The Soul

    Week 41 – Window To The Soul
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    This is in fact my eye. The eyes are known as the window to the soul and as you can see, my eyes also have a window that look outside the house. While playing around looking for macro subjects, I thought I would try using the window light to take a near 1:1 shot of… Read more

  • Praying Mantis

    Praying Mantis

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