Tag: Urban
Week 46 – Head In The Clouds
After dinner I went for a small walk despite a storm with lightning heading towards me. This was quite a nice and relaxing place that had me staying there longer than I was meant to. Read more
King Street
This is King Street which is Perth’s home to many of the high fashion brands like LV and Prada. I had a work meeting last night so decided to walk around and this was a image I had in mind for a while but never had my camera with me at the right time. I’ve… Read more
Week 40 – Dreams
This is a street that I would love to live on. I really like streets that have trees all the way along them, it just has a certain look to it that I love. Read more
Week 37 – Rainy Nights
I finally went out to shoot! My girlfriend had a catch-up with her friends on Friday night so I used that chance to go out and finally use my camera. It was quite wet out that night so I didn’t get to shoot for long before I had to take shelter from the rain. For… Read more
Catching Up
While eating my lunch I couldn’t help but capture these two having fun talking. Read more
Week 31 – Lights Ahead
This image was interesting for me lighting wise. Although the sunset is on front of me, if you look carefully you can see my shadow falling forwards as well. This is because there is a large building maybe 800m behind me that is purely glass. The sun was bouncing off this building and creating a… Read more
Narrows to CBD
This is a panorama of the Perth CBD and Narrows Bridge. I wanted to try out Lightroom’s new panorama feature so thought this would make a nice image. Read more
Week 30 – Wave of Darkness
I’m on top of things this week and have my 52 week project submission ready on day one! I was out with my girlfriend in Kings Park (people in Perth would possibly know the spot I took this from) and noticed how well the trees framed the QV1 building. As I took the shot, we… Read more
Week 29 – Reconnected
After 5 weeks I FINALLY have internet back at home. I was so happy this morning, I felt like it was 10 birthdays at once 😛 This was shot at sunrise on Mounts Bay Road in Crawley. I went out with the intentions of shooting something else but the clouds weren’t moving how I wanted… Read more
What’s Your Favorite?
Another photo from Hyde Park (if you can’t already tell, I love this place). I had to point it to my absolute favorite season of course, give me Winter all year round! Read more