Tag: Blog Post

  • The Past and Present

    The Past and Present
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    Welcome to my first normal blog post for 2023. As you may have noticed I’ve been doing my 52 Week Project which have their own posts but I have had some leftover images I’ve been meaning to post. This post is pretty much me playing catch up on all of those. Some Christmas Images Below… Read more

  • My Top 5 Images of 2022

    My Top 5 Images of 2022

    Just like last year I’ve decided to show what I consider my top 5 images of 2022. I would say looking back on the last 12 months I’m not actually that happy with my photography this year. Although I did get some images I quite liked, I feel the majority aren’t anything that special. In… Read more

  • When The Sun Stays Up, I Stay Inside

    When The Sun Stays Up, I Stay Inside

    First off sorry for the long time since my last blog post. I’ve been shooting as you’ll see from the number of images, just not to the same volume as I had been in previous weeks. I also got a bit behind on my editing as I had been doing some upgrades on my PC… Read more

  • Exploring New Lands

    Exploring New Lands

    No matter how long you live somewhere there’s always those local spots that everyone seems to visit except you. Since getting so much gear that I really enjoy using I’ve been looking for every chance I can get to go out and shoot. Every weekend I tend to stay around the city and rarely go… Read more

  • The Wide Angle Dilemma

    The Wide Angle Dilemma

    This past weekend I was lucky enough to have a 4 days off thanks to the bank holiday. The weather was clear and I couldn’t resist going out to shoot so I headed to Circular Quay. I decided I was going to use the RF 16mm f/2.8 since it’s one of my least used lenses… Read more

  • Hi Fuji

    Hi Fuji

    In the never ending saga of my G.A.S, I am saying goodbye to the M50 Mark II and I am excited to say I’ve now got myself a Fuji X-S10 and XF 23mm f/1.4 LM WR! We had a lot of rain here in Sydney so I’ve only been able to take the two images… Read more

  • How My Cityscapes Have Changed

    How My Cityscapes Have Changed

    Last weekend I went out to shoot Cityscapes for the first time since daylight savings ended. I decided to use the Canon RF 16mm f/2.8 for the image above and I realized something interesting, I actually prefer telephotos for Cityscapes now. Just to see if this was true I thought I’d also go out with… Read more

  • My Top 5 Images of 2021

    My Top 5 Images of 2021
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    This year was a bit up and down for my photography due to lockdowns stopping me from shooting as much as I usually do during the colder months. Regardless I took some images this year that I’m really proud of and picking these wasn’t an easy task. The choice had to be made though and… Read more

  • Back to Business

    Back to Business

    So I’m trying something a bit different and will be trying to do a photo a week, sort of like my 52 week project. My main reasoning for this is to get me shooting again and being a bit more creative. My goal/aim with each image is to have an actual story behind it and… Read more

  • Keeping It Short and Sweet

    Keeping It Short and Sweet

    Welcome to my first and only post for the month of June 2021! It’s been a very busy month hence why I didn’t release at my regular schedule. You’ll notice right away that this post is quite short and that’s due to the fact I’ve barely touched my camera. My interests and focus have been… Read more