Tag: Fujifilm XF 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR

  • 789 Korean BBQ [20/52]

    789 Korean BBQ [20/52]

    Here is the newest entry which is a type of cuisine I like I eat quite often that is Korean BBQ. This particular restaurant is part of one that’s really popular here in Sydney called 678 Korean BBQ. It opened fairly recently, and we were yet to try it so finally got to and it… Read more

  • The Final Lineup [16/52]

    The Final Lineup [16/52]

    When putting together a camera kit there’s a lot of different ways you can go. Some people prefer zooms while others prefer primes but for me, I like a mix of both. I find in the mid range from around 24mm to 100mm you can easily shoot with primes and ‘zoom with your feet’. When… Read more

  • Always Feeling Full

    Always Feeling Full

    I’ve been busy working on editing my Japan photos (first part is nearly done) so I thought I’d post something in the meantime. I’ve felt like ever since I got back from Japan I’ve been in a real photography mood and wanted to shoot as much as I can. As you can see at the… Read more

  • Close the Rings [9/52]

    Close the Rings [9/52]

    Like many I wear a Smart Watch daily. I also like to close all my ‘rings’ each and every day. Ever since getting my first Apple Watch many years ago I found myself doing as much each day to try and make sure I could hit my move, stand and exercise goals. When it comes… Read more

  • More Celebrations

    More Celebrations

    It feels like quite a long time but here’s a more proper and content full blog post. Slowly in the background I’ve been working on my 52 Week Project and if you weren’t aware, I’m also taking a break from my podcast until some things stabilize a bit. It was weeks ago now but we… Read more

  • The Past and Present

    The Past and Present
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    Welcome to my first normal blog post for 2023. As you may have noticed I’ve been doing my 52 Week Project which have their own posts but I have had some leftover images I’ve been meaning to post. This post is pretty much me playing catch up on all of those. Some Christmas Images Below… Read more

  • The Beginning of 2023 [1/52]

    The Beginning of 2023 [1/52]

    I have decided to do another 52 Week Project again this year so here is my first entry. I’m hoping (although not promising) that with each week’s image I’ll be able to tell a bit of a story of sorts and it won’t just be a thoughtless image done to reach a quota. For this… Read more

  • When The Sun Stays Up, I Stay Inside

    When The Sun Stays Up, I Stay Inside

    First off sorry for the long time since my last blog post. I’ve been shooting as you’ll see from the number of images, just not to the same volume as I had been in previous weeks. I also got a bit behind on my editing as I had been doing some upgrades on my PC… Read more

  • Just Eat and Shoot

    Just Eat and Shoot

    A lot of people will tell you that gear doesn’t matter. In some ways this is true but it’s also false. I’ve found when you enjoy using something, you’ll find any excuse to use that item. Like if you have a really nice car you’ll drive for short distances you would usually walk just because… Read more

  • Exploring New Lands

    Exploring New Lands

    No matter how long you live somewhere there’s always those local spots that everyone seems to visit except you. Since getting so much gear that I really enjoy using I’ve been looking for every chance I can get to go out and shoot. Every weekend I tend to stay around the city and rarely go… Read more