Tag: Sony FE 24mm f/1.4 GM

  • Visiting New Places and Getting a PS5

    Visiting New Places and Getting a PS5

    So it has been an interesting but busy fortnight and that isn’t changing soon. This post will be short and to the point but I promise I’ll be back in 2 weeks with something more detailed. The New Toy I was lucky enough to get myself a PS5 at launch which are really hard to… Read more

  • The Art Has Arrived

    The Art Has Arrived

    Welcome to my fortnightly update! This post will be a bit shorter than usual. It has been one of those fortnights were life has got in the way. By the time this is posted I will hopefully be done with my assignment. This particular unit has been stressing me out so hopefully things can go… Read more

  • Is It Really June Part II

    Is It Really June Part II

    We’re now half way through June and as always, time is flying by so quick. I haven’t been shooting a great deal due to an assignment and exam but that is about to change. Digging Through the Archives I think it’s quite common for people to be going through old photos at the moment. I… Read more

  • Is It Really June Already!!!

    Is It Really June Already!!!

    It’s somewhat hard to believe that here we are in June already. Usually I don’t want time to pass too quick, mainly because this means I’m getting old. With all that has happened this year I think time quickly passing is a good thing. Here we go with my first fortnightly post for June! Keeping… Read more

  • Make It Float

    Make It Float

    I am a bit late to the party but here is my fortnightly update on what I’ve been up to. Now with everything that is going on in the world, I haven’t been shooting much. Here in Sydney we are in a stage 3 lock down due to COVID 19. What this means is we… Read more

  • Searching for Something More

    Searching for Something More

    Here we go for another fortnightly update. The weather has been pretty crazy here so I haven’t really had much time to shoot. Work has been tiring so I haven’t had the motivation either. That is starting to change now so hopefully by the time I make the next post, I’ll have some extra high… Read more

  • A New Lens and Other Updates

    A New Lens and Other Updates

    Here is my latest update for photos I have taken and what I’ve been up to for the past few weeks. Recently I been working on a whole bunch of posts for TPE which has required me to go out and take more photos. One of those posts I’m working on is a review of… Read more

  • One Lens Leaves While Another Arrives

    One Lens Leaves While Another Arrives
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    This past weekend, I said goodbye to one lens and hello to another. Recently I posted about selling my Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS in favor of the Sony FE 16-35mm f/2.8 GM. I already went into why I made the switch on my review, so I won’t repeat it here. Despite the fact that… Read more