Tag: Canon RF 85mm f/2 IS

  • A Trip To Melbourne & More

    A Trip To Melbourne & More
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    This is probably one of my biggest posts in quite some time. I’ve got a bit behind in my editing but I guess it’s more content for you. I’m finally back to shooting a lot, partially thanks to a new camera. As I mentioned in my last post, I said goodbye to the Canon EOS… Read more

  • Bottle for Macro Monday’s

    Bottle for Macro Monday’s
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    For this weeks Macro Monday’s challenge the theme is a bottle which couldn’t have anything inside it and had to focus on the object itself. I wasn’t too sure what I could do to make a bottle by itself more interesting and I ended up with the image you see above. I decided to focus… Read more

  • Treasured


    This weeks theme for Macro Monday’s on Flickr is Treasured so here is my image. With the theme, you need to capture something that is treasured to you. I don’t have many very small items that would be good for macro shots aside from this ring which I’ve had for well over 10 years so… Read more

  • Back to Business

    Back to Business

    So I’m trying something a bit different and will be trying to do a photo a week, sort of like my 52 week project. My main reasoning for this is to get me shooting again and being a bit more creative. My goal/aim with each image is to have an actual story behind it and… Read more

  • Like Learning from Scratch

    Like Learning from Scratch

    Greetings and salutations! As always I’m here to present my images from the past few weeks. I’ve been using the R6 a lot, I’ve found myself shooting everything I can around the house just like when I first started photography which is a great feeling to have. Out and About The R6 has been coming… Read more

  • The Big Test

    The Big Test
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    Welcome to my second post for the month of January. In terms of shooting it’s been both busy and quiet. I’ve been doing a lot of experiment shots and trying to get used to the sensor and it’s quirks. Matching the Competition For a long time Canon copped a lot of heat for the amount… Read more

  • Welcome to 2021!!

    Welcome to 2021!!

    Welcome to my first post of 2021! One thing you might notice right off the bat is that I have a much larger amount of images compared to usual. This is all thanks to the fact I got the Canon R6 a little over a week ago. If you’re interested in my first impressions of… Read more