Tag: Prime Lens
My Top 5 Images of 2021
This year was a bit up and down for my photography due to lockdowns stopping me from shooting as much as I usually do during the colder months. Regardless I took some images this year that I’m really proud of and picking these wasn’t an easy task. The choice had to be made though and… Read more
Bottle for Macro Monday’s
For this weeks Macro Monday’s challenge the theme is a bottle which couldn’t have anything inside it and had to focus on the object itself. I wasn’t too sure what I could do to make a bottle by itself more interesting and I ended up with the image you see above. I decided to focus… Read more
This weeks theme for Macro Monday’s on Flickr is Treasured so here is my image. With the theme, you need to capture something that is treasured to you. I don’t have many very small items that would be good for macro shots aside from this ring which I’ve had for well over 10 years so… Read more
Let’s Call It a Day
Welcome to my first post for November 2021! The year is almost up which means it’s time to really get out there and try get some more images for my top 5 of 2021. There’s a few images I wanted to take the past few days but either didn’t have the time or the weather… Read more
Close to Freedom
Here are some photos from the past month that I’ve taken. In recent weeks I haven’t really touched my camera as I’ve been recovering from my second jab of Pfizer and just been a bit busy in general. Sydney Park To start things off we visited Sydney Park a few weeks back now for the… Read more
Lockdown is Bad for Photography
Welcome to my first post for the month of August. As always I’ve been quite busy with everything but shooting hence why this post will be brief but to the point. As an update of sorts I’d like to say this website should now load much faster for you (at least I hope it does).… Read more
I’m Now One Lens Lighter
Welcome to October and my latest post! As you can see, this will be a lot shorter compared to the last fortnights update. Every photo in this post was taken with the Sony FE 35mm f/1.8. I wanted to get a few more photos with it to use in my review. The featured image at… Read more
A Bit Distracted
It has been an interesting fortnight to say the least. This post will be a bit shorter than usual as I’ve barely been shooting. In fact I don’t think I’ve even turned my camera on since taking these shots a few weeks ago. All of these images were taken with the Samyang AF 85mm f/1.4… Read more
The New Bokeh Monster
Welcome to the last few days of June and a very exciting post for me. I had posted back in March that I was trying to decide if it was worth selling my Sony FE 85mm f/1.8. Back then I felt it wasn’t worth it and convinced myself that for all this time. Of course… Read more
Is It Really June Part II
We’re now half way through June and as always, time is flying by so quick. I haven’t been shooting a great deal due to an assignment and exam but that is about to change. Digging Through the Archives I think it’s quite common for people to be going through old photos at the moment. I… Read more