Tag: Sony FE 35mm f/1.8

  • One Year With the Sony FE 35mm f/1.8

    One Year With the Sony FE 35mm f/1.8

    After a little over a year of owning this lens, I think it’s time to write a review. This will be no way a technical review but based more on actual usability and real world use. Big Shoes To Fill With 35mm being my favorite focal length, I’ve owned quite a few different lenses over… Read more

  • The Art Has Arrived

    The Art Has Arrived

    Welcome to my fortnightly update! This post will be a bit shorter than usual. It has been one of those fortnights were life has got in the way. By the time this is posted I will hopefully be done with my assignment. This particular unit has been stressing me out so hopefully things can go… Read more

  • I’m Now One Lens Lighter

    I’m Now One Lens Lighter
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    Welcome to October and my latest post! As you can see, this will be a lot shorter compared to the last fortnights update. Every photo in this post was taken with the Sony FE 35mm f/1.8. I wanted to get a few more photos with it to use in my review. The featured image at… Read more

  • The Weekend Back

    The Weekend Back
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    As you can probably see by this post, I’m finally back to taking photos regularly! I always find that I stop for a bit then get a resurgence and then balance it out a bit. The majority of the images here are taken with my Samyang AF 85mm f/1.4 and the FE 35mm f/1.8. The… Read more

  • My Return To Photography

    My Return To Photography

    I though the title of this blog post would be appropriate considering how long it’s been since my last update. Just like my last post, I’ve been taking a bit of a break from photography. Now that I’m back into wrestling, I have been trying new things like launching a new blog focused on gaming… Read more

  • Is It Really June Already!!!

    Is It Really June Already!!!

    It’s somewhat hard to believe that here we are in June already. Usually I don’t want time to pass too quick, mainly because this means I’m getting old. With all that has happened this year I think time quickly passing is a good thing. Here we go with my first fortnightly post for June! Keeping… Read more

  • All About Still Life

    All About Still Life

    Welcome to my first fortnightly update for April 2020. Smaller Celebrations Despite still not being allowed outside,I have been shooting a bit more. As you can tell by the featured image at the top of the page, we had some birthday celebrations over the past fortnight. Prior to this whole pandemic, we were actually meant… Read more

  • Make It Float

    Make It Float

    I am a bit late to the party but here is my fortnightly update on what I’ve been up to. Now with everything that is going on in the world, I haven’t been shooting much. Here in Sydney we are in a stage 3 lock down due to COVID 19. What this means is we… Read more

  • Searching for Something More

    Searching for Something More

    Here we go for another fortnightly update. The weather has been pretty crazy here so I haven’t really had much time to shoot. Work has been tiring so I haven’t had the motivation either. That is starting to change now so hopefully by the time I make the next post, I’ll have some extra high… Read more

  • A New Lens and Other Updates

    A New Lens and Other Updates

    Here is my latest update for photos I have taken and what I’ve been up to for the past few weeks. Recently I been working on a whole bunch of posts for TPE which has required me to go out and take more photos. One of those posts I’m working on is a review of… Read more