Category: Blog Post
The Rain Continues
As the title suggests, we’ve had a lot of rain recently. In fact we had so much rain and flooding last weekend that the NSW government declared it as CAT212. Because of this, I didn’t get to shoot much aside from two days. Here are the images from those two photo outings. First up is… Read more
A Game Changer for My Photography
If you listen to my podcast you would know we recently got our car sent over from Perth. Although a car isn’t photography related, it is a game changer for my photography. The initial thought may be that it’s something related to automotive photography but that is also incorrect. The plain and simple reason a… Read more
Lunar New Year and Beyond
As we are towards the end of Summer here in Sydney, we are starting to see a lot more rain is as it’s quite typical for this time of year. It has been a busy and tiring few weeks so I haven’t shot as much as I previously would have but here are some of… Read more
Rain, Animals and More Rain
I’d like to start this post by saying sorry if you weren’t able to access this site or TPE over the weekend. My hosting was about to expire so I made the switch over to Dreamhost. It wasn’t without it’s issues but we got there in the end and I’m much happier with them over… Read more
Like Learning from Scratch
Greetings and salutations! As always I’m here to present my images from the past few weeks. I’ve been using the R6 a lot, I’ve found myself shooting everything I can around the house just like when I first started photography which is a great feeling to have. Out and About The R6 has been coming… Read more
The Big Test
Welcome to my second post for the month of January. In terms of shooting it’s been both busy and quiet. I’ve been doing a lot of experiment shots and trying to get used to the sensor and it’s quirks. Matching the Competition For a long time Canon copped a lot of heat for the amount… Read more
Welcome to 2021!!
Welcome to my first post of 2021! One thing you might notice right off the bat is that I have a much larger amount of images compared to usual. This is all thanks to the fact I got the Canon R6 a little over a week ago. If you’re interested in my first impressions of… Read more
Reflecting on 2020 and Goodbye Sony
Welcome to my final post for the (thoroughly hated by most) year of 2020. This post will be very light on images and more discussing how I’ve sold all my Sony gear, how I felt 2020 went for my photography and what is in store for 2021! If you prefer to listen to this rather… Read more